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The District Boracay's Facade

The District Boracay’s Facade


If you’re a previous guest of The District Boracay, and has spent some time at our beach area, chances are you’ve met our Internal Security Personnel – Mr. Edgar Bangayan. When he’s not busy securing his station (the beach!) and watching over our guests’ belongings, he would take snapshots of his surroundings. This is not part of his job description, but when you’re workspace is at one of the world’s best island, I’m sure you’ll agree that some moments are better captured and shared.

The beach stretched to around 40 meters from the resort yesterday due to low tide, and this gave Edgar the space he needed to get this wonderful shot. Hope you’ll all enjoy the view, as much as we did!

For more information about the resort, please visit www.thedistrictboracay.com, or follow at Facebook (/thedistrictboracay), Twitter (@DistrictBoracay) and Instagram (@thedistrictboracay).


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